Our Services
We love to help in a lot of ways.
Free Pregnancy Testing
Wondering if you're pregnant? Our offices offer free pregnancy testing. The tests
we offer are typically the early response tests so that you can know the results
as soon as possible.
Pregnancy Options Counselling
Completely confidential & non-judgemental (again, we're serious about this.)
We're very careful in both hiring staff and training volunteers to ensure that our clients
will feel safe and cared for every time they visit our office.
We are not a medical office, but a collection of trained peers

medical, or prenatal care.
The WYPCC is dedicated to helping women and their partners explore all pregnancy options; giving access to accurate information
and the space and time needed to make a well informed decision.
The WYPCC does not provide or assist in arranging for abortions.
Post Abortion Recovery & Support
Some of our offices have a certified specialist in the Grief Recovery Method. We have
found this to be the most effective grieving tool offered as it is evidence based. We ensure this
service is delivered delicately, lovingly, and again, without judgement.
Miscarriage Recovery & Support
Some of our offices have a certified specialist in the Grief Recovery Method. We have
found this to be the most effective grieving tool offered as it is the only one that is evidence based.
Miscarriages are a heartbreaking experience, and although friends and family are very well-meaning
sometimes they say the wrong thing, or simply don't know how to help. We try to ensure that our staff
and volunteers are well-versed in grief support. There is no need to suffer silently, let us help.
Adoption Support
We work with some great adoption agencies who are gracious enough
to drop everything to meet with our clients. We also help mothers who
have made this decision to cope before, during, and after the adoption
process. Adoption is a very sacrificial choice and we offer the Grief Recovery
Method for women who have decided to embark on this journey.
Earn While You Learn Program
A unique pregnancy program that focuses on life-skill readiness for becoming a parent.
A unique pregnancy program that focuses on life-skill readiness for becoming a parent.
Come learn things that you'll absolutely need to know and earn points to redeem for brand
new baby items!
Healthy Relationships Presentations
We have presentations on healthy dating and relationships for students and youth groups from
grade 5 to grade 12.